Violet has received some incredible reviews and now it’s Los Angeles Times Critic’s Choice!
Congratulations to the entire cast and crew of Violet for receiving some well-deserved kudos on your exceptional artistry! Here’s what Los Angeles Times had to say ….

“It seems appropriate that a musical about miracles is itself a bit of a wonder.”
“Violet opens her heart and miracles happen. The Chance’s buoyant production is one too.”
“In Kari Hayter’s staging, the travel metaphor is delivered in a clever and frankly theatrical way. Passengers set down their suitcases in rows and sit on them, suggesting the bus interior. More suitcases — colorful, vintage ones — are hung on a metal framework that defines the back and side walls of the mostly bare performing area (set design by Fred Kinney). Through the back wall a versatile, four-person band, led by Robyn Manion, is visible. It’s a thrill to see this creative team at work again; these three, with costume designer Elizabeth Cox, also staged the Chance’s towering production of Parade last year. Throughout the trip, the adult Violet (Monika Peña) thinks back on her younger, uninjured self (Rebeka Hoblik). Peña’s rich mezzo soprano is the voice of hard-won experience, compared with Hoblik’s pure, punchy one.”
You don’t want to miss this bus ride. Get your tickets today!
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