Leave a Legacy:

Make a legacy gift and help provide financial security to Chance Theater, while offering tax benefits to you and your estate.

Help ensure the future vitality of Chance Theater by including us in your estate plan. For example, you can provide a simple bequest through your will, name the Chance as a beneficiary of an Annuity or a Trust. Your future gift will enhance the long-term stability of Chance Theater.


Depending on your specific situation, making a planned gift can have tax advantages for your estate. We recommend that you consult with your attorney or financial adviser to find a solution that accommodates your needs and assures that your wishes are fulfilled.


There are many types of assets that can be used to fund a charitable gift to Chance Theater. These include:

  • Cash
  • Business Interests
  • Appreciated Stocks
  • IRAs/Retirement Plans
  • Real Estate
  • Life Insurance
  • Personal Property
  • Other Assets


To include Chance Theater in your estate plans, you may use the following language:


“I hereby give and bequeath to Chance Theater, a nonprofit corporation in Orange, California, operating under tax ID # 11-3679644 [specific amount, percentage of estate, or specific property] for general purposes.”


How to Contribute:

Please contact Founding Artist, Erika C. Miller, through our Contact Us Form or call (888) 455-4212