StageSceneLA is our first riveting review of Violet, calling Kari Hayter’s direction “imaginative”
Steven Stanley from StageSceneLA visited the Chance for Violet’s opening night performance. Read what he had to say…

Read Article Buy Tickets“an intimate staging that is as imaginatively directed as it is powerfully performed.”
“Now it’s Chance Theater resident artist [Monika] Peña’s chance to shine, and shine she does in a performance of depth, guts, humor, pain, and resilience. Add to that sensational vocals that bring Tesori and [Cr]awley’s songs to glorious life and you’ve got a radiant, career-propelling star turn that alone makes Violet a must-see.”
“As she did last year with Parade’s ingenious use of straight back chairs, Hayter takes an inspired design concept and makes it the production’s leitmotif and linchpin. Hayter and Kinney’s suitcases hold a gut-puncher of an eleventh-hour surprise that is the very definition of inspired.”
“Schneider’s cocky charmer of a Monty and Fagins’s sweet, genuine mensch of a Flick provide terrific romantic-triangular support.'”
“OCSA freshman [Rebeka] Hoblik makes a memorable Chance Theater mainstage debut as a Young Violet with pipes to match her older self’s, and San Diego musical theater staple [Johnny] Fletcher does his richest work to date as Violet’s almost equally wounded Dad.”
“Robyn Manion once again scores highest marks both for musical direction and for leading Violet’s sensational four-piece band.”
“the Chance’s reputation as Orange County’s finest intimate theater has remained unchallenged. The company’s latest musical mini-masterpiece makes it abundantly clear just why.”
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