Meet Robert Foran (Ben Joseph) 
Tell us something about your family that has shaped who you are as a person.
I will often try to find the greater good for everyone in a group situation, rather than my own personal wants. This is a product of coming from a large family and having to deal with a majority rule mentality. What is best for everyone, not just you.
What social issue(s) are you passionate about?
The systematic destruction of the middle class.
What was on your mind on the verge of the new millennium in 1999?
The health and welfare of my family, especially since my daughter was 2 weeks old.
Tell us about one of your family heroes.
My Mom, who has a strength I strive for, a patience I cannot obtain, a work ethic like no other, a commitment and dedication to everything she finds important that is admirable, a love of people and communication that is beyond me, an honesty that escapes most, and a humility that seems unattainable. She has touched more lives than most of us will ever understand.
If you met any of the characters on the street, who would you share a pint with and who would make you turn and walk away? And why?
I would probably like to have a pint with either Leo or Miguel. Their humor, honesty and intelligence would be nice to be around. I probably wouldn’t want to have a pint with Ben, because I doubt he could lighten up and I don’t know if I would have enough patience to deal with him.
What’s the biggest challenge for you in this production?
To find the layers and complexities of Ben. Also the overlapping dialogue and picking up the cues!! It’s challenging.
What was your first job in theater?
5th Grade. The Hobbit. Played a Goblin, a man of Laketown and the Elf King.
Tell us something most people don’t know about you.
My family is so large that my oldest brother and sister are my Godparents.
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