Thank you for supporting our mission to create a more compassionate, connected, and creative community. For questions please contact Development Director Erika Miller at (657)549-0499 or [email protected]

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Reserve Your Seats

BENEFITS INCLUDE: 10-person VIP Table, ½ Page feature and listing in Gala Program, Gala Webpage Recognition, Invitation & Event Signage, Recognition from podium during event, Dedicated host for the night, Admission to exclusive artist events, Two Platinum Chance Memberships for 1 year, Chance Playbill recognition for 1 year, Includes $13,000 tax-deductible donation
BENEFITS INCLUDE: 10-person VIP Table, 1/4 Page feature and listing in Gala Program, Gala Webpage Recognition, Invitation & Event Signage, Recognition from podium during event, Dedicated host for the night, Admission to exclusive artist events, Two Platinum Chance Memberships for 1 year, Chance Playbill recognition for 1 year, Includes $8,000 tax-deductible donation
BENEFITS INCLUDE: 10-person Premiere Table, Gala Program Recognition, Gala Webpage Recognition, Invitation & Event Signage, Admission to exclusive artist events, Two Gold Chance Memberships for 1 year, Chance Playbill Recognition for 1 year, Includes $4,000 tax-deductible donation

Other Sponsorship Opportunities

BENEFITS INCLUDE: Gala Program Recognition, Gala Webpage Recognition, Invitation & Event Signage Recognition, Recognition from podium during event, Admission to exclusive artist events, Two Platinum Chance Memberships for 1 year, Chance Playbill recognition for 1 year, 100% tax-deductible donation
BENEFITS INCLUDE: Gala Program Recognition, Gala Webpage Recognition, Invitation & Event Signage Recognition, Admission to exclusive artist events, Two Gold Chance Memberships for 1 year, Chance Playbill recognition for 1 year, 100% tax-deductible donation
BENEFITS INCLUDE: Gala Program Recognition, Gala Webpage Recognition, & Invitation Recognition, Admission to exclusive artist events, 2 Tickets to "Emma" Opening Night on December 7, Chance Playbill recognition for 1 year, 100% tax-deductible donation
BENEFITS INCLUDE: Gala Program & Webpage Recognition, Admission to exclusive artist events, 2 Tickets to "Emma" Opening Night on December 7, Chance Playbill recognition for 1 year, 100% tax-deductible donation
Donations above $300 will be listed in the Event Program and Chance Playbill Recognition for 1 year.
Minimum Price: $10.00
Payment Method
If choosing "Check", please make payable to CHANCE THEATER, and mail to Chance Theater, Attn: Gala, PO Box 17580, Anaheim CA 92817. (Please submit payment by August 16 to be included in invitation.)
Please enter your name(s) as you would like to be recognized.