“The Switch”
by David Campos
presented by Wade Williamson, in support of Chance-a-thon 2022

LIVE Event
Saturday, August 27 at 11:15 a.m. 
on the Fyda-Mar Stage

This original comedy by playwright David Campos takes a current look at traditional gender roles in our society, but with a definite “switch”. The play is the result of a summer workshop that brought together several local actors and others, with various experiences and perspectives, to bring the play to life.

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Please consider making a direct donation on Wade Williamson’s fundraising page.


The Chance-a-thon is a fundraiser event where artists and community members alike come together to showcase their work and raise money for Chance’s artistic and education programs. Thanks to the generous support of volunteers, artists, and patrons like you, this event proves every year that small acts can make a BIG impact.