Read full article | Buy Tickets | More about 'Cry It Out'“Wow!”
“Stay-at-home nursing moms rarely get a center-stage spotlight, which is just one reason to cheer the arrival of Molly Smith Metzler’s funny, compelling, deeply touching dramedy”
“Indeed, much of the pleasure of experiencing Cry It Out is discovering how surprising its four characters are and how unpredictable its plot twists prove to be, that and a couple of sensational lead performances that alone make the Chance Theater’s latest a must-see.”
“arguably [Amanda Zarr’s] most sensational work to date”
“Zarr’s comedic brilliance is matched by some devastating dramatic chops”
“Saverino reveals not just Jessie’s warmth and her intelligence but the complexities of a woman as fierce at mothering as she is meek where her marriage is concerned, and her performance only grows deeper and more powerful as the play progresses.”
“Elina de Santos’s direction reveals both the ability to bring out the best from her cast and a particularly impressive use of Bruce Goodrich’s detailed adjoining-backyards set.”
“one of the year’s very best”
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