Louise & Steven Koch

Supporter Profile

Louise first saw Chance Theater by “chance” when she took a detour on her way home from John Wayne Airport where she worked for American Airlines. She told Steven about it and they had planned to visit but COVID hit and everyone’s plans were delayed. They were finally able to get tickets to see a post-COVID performance of Striking 12 in December 2021. Amazed by the intimate venue, the extraordinary talent of the artists and crew, and the engaging staff of the theater, they immediately became Chance Members! Elevated by the continual variety of opportunities to experience and learn new things (readings, design previews, post-show talkbacks), along with the outstanding musicals and plays, Steven and Louise have become more involved in this wonderful theater community and are proud to now contribute as producers. As recent retirees, they enjoy theater, concerts (especially blues), traveling the world, and visiting their daughter Erica and her wife in Chicago! “We are thrilled to be a part of the amazing Chance Theater family and look forward to supporting the Chance for many years to come – with the hope of honoring the memory of our daughter Diana, who so loved participating as part of the stage crew in high school theater.”