Rick Friend

Artist Profile

Rick studied music at Oberlin College Conservatory and introduced himself to New York City by playing piano for a comic revival of the 1890s melodrama The Drunkard. He introduced himself to Toronto by composing and playing music for silent movies. He then introduced himself to the Silent Movie Theatre in Hollywood, where he now composes and plays regularly. He will be appearing in February with the Springfield Symphony Orchestra playing for The Thief of Baghdad. He is excited to accompany the cast of The Gondoliers.

Productions at Chance Theater

Production Date Role
The Yeoman of the Guard March 2004 Music Director
The Mikado March 2003 Music Arrangement
Trail of Tears August 2002 Composer
Nine June 2002 Arranger
The Gondoliers January 2002 Accompanist
Pippin August 2001 Accompanist
The Pirates of Penzance January 2001 Accompanist