Miles Barbee

Artist Profile

Miles Barbee debuted on Broadway with SPRING AWAKENING in 2015. His journey to Broadway was unexpected. He grew up with no interest in theatre until 2012. He was involved with ASLFilms and his life changed after 3 people encouraged him to audition for SPRING AWAKENING. He performed in Inner City Arts and The Wallis in Los Angeles before heading to Broadway. He was in SWITCHED AT BIRTH as Kevin who was punched by Ryan Lane. He also was flung around as Ildefonso in A MAN WITHOUT WORDS with In/visible Theatre. Recently Miles played as Steve in a comedy short film called, This is Ed! He was in an improv romance comedy feature film, Talk to the Hands. Thank you JoAnn, Russell and Andrés for pushing me into my dream, none of this would have happened to me if you never encouraged me.

Productions at Chance Theater

Production Date Role
Tribes September 2017 Billy