Chance Theater Blog

clivingstonMeet Danielle Goodin (Assistant to the Director)

This play takes place in multiple historical eras. If you could choose a specific time in history to be born, when would you choose?
I would love to be able to say that I would choose some amazing period in the past like the Renaissance or the 1920s. But I am far too fond of technology and I love seeing it evolve. I have seen things that were once considered science fiction become commonplace or they are on the precipice of creation.

Should Christians or non-Christians come see this play?
I think anyone who can be open minded about the play’s message should come see it regardless of their religious beliefs.

This play shifts from funny to emotional to funny again on a dime. How do you make those shifts?
Any play that does this can be taxing on a person’s emotional state, especially when it’s three hours long. But it’s best to see it like a roller-coaster ride. Enjoy it while it lasts so you aren’t hoping for it to finish.

This play explores how you are perceived based on your looks versus who you really are. Can you personally relate to this theme?
This is very easy for me to relate to as I am a transgender woman. I have gone most of my life perceived as a male when I have seen myself as a woman on the inside. And now that I have transitioned into a gorgeous woman I get treated differently as well. I get judged by my looks and find myself the aim of many cat calls and jealous glares. And there are those days I don’t put as much effort into my appearance and it becomes obvious to people that I am transgender. On these days I get viewed with disdain or even disgust. Ignoring the person that is on the inside.

If you met any of these characters on the street, who would you share a pint with and who would make you turn and walk away? And why?
I would share a pint with the Foot Soldier as he seems to enjoy life and would have a lot to talk about. I would turn around and walk away from J as I have no time for self-involved and vain people.

Do you have a favorite moment in the play?
The first scene with Erik and the Foot Soldier. There is something very pleasing about watching the start of a relationship before it even becomes something more. I get caught up in all the seduction, flirting, and confusion.

What was your first job in theater?
I was a carpenter building sets for a theater at my local community college in Northern California. Since then I have dabbled in all aspects of the theater but I found my passion in costumes and directing.




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